An Eventful 2003-2004!

Portland Harbor Museum's 2003 Exhibit, A Day in the Life of Portland Harbor
Bring family and friends to see the life and times of our community's harbor!
Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays April 19-May 25 and October 14-November 30
Everyday from Memorial Day through Columbus Day
10 am - 4:30pm
Members get in free! * Non-Member Adults $4.00 * Non-Member Children $2.00

Protecting the Port of Portland: Turn-of-the-Century Fortifications
The Second in a Series of Lectures by Joel W. Eastman
Last winter, Joel W. Eastman presented the first of this series…come hear the fascinating continuing story of our harbor's defenses.
Sunday, October 19, 2 pm * Location: TBA
Members: $3 * Non-Members: $5

After the Storm: Exploring our Maritime Heritage through the Loss of the Portland
This symposium, designed for professionals and hobbyists of maritime history, will explorethe archaeology, social history and economic implications of this local disaster.
November 7 and 8 * Portland Harbor Museum and the Southern Maine Community College Campus
$50 for Friday's programs, Free on Saturday
This symposium is made possible through generous grants from Maine Humanities Council, and the Maine, Connecticut and MIT Sea Grant Programs

Jeffrey Bolster, Author of Black Jacks: African American Seamen in the Age of Sail
Will present a lecture on the Local Fisheries
Sunday, November 23, 2 pm * at Portland Harbor Museum
Members: $3 * Non-Members: $5

Panel on the Current State of Portland Harbor
Panelists will include Jeff Monroe, Lee Urban and other prominent city representatives from the Greater Portland area
Sunday, January 18, 2004, 2 pm * Location TBA
Members: $3 * Non-Members: $5

Book Signing and Discussion with Paul Ledman, author of A Maine Town Responds: Cape Elizabeth and South Portland in the Civil War
Sunday, February 8, 2004, 2 pm * at Portland Harbor Museum
Members: $3 * Non-Members: $5

History of the Seafarer's Friend Society, by the Reverend Doug Johnson
Sunday, March 14, 2004, 2 pm * at Portland Harbor Museum
Members: $3 * Non-Members: $5

Maritime Archaeology in Casco Bay by Warren Reiss, PhD
Sunday, April 25, 2004, 2 pm * at Portland Harbor Museum
Members: $3 * Non-Members: $5