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Portland Harbor Museum, formerly the Spring Point Museum, is a non-profit organization established in 1985 to collect, preserve and interpret the rich history of Portland Harbor and the surrounding area. A broad base of membership support is necessary in order to bring our programs and exhibits to the community. All dues and contributions are tax-deductible.

Membership Benefits Include:
  • Free museum admission
  • 10% discount on all Portland Harbor Museum Gift ship purchases
  • Reduced admission to all museum programs 
  • Advance notice of the museum's public programs and lectures
  • Annual Meeting voting privileges 
  • Newsletter, The Portland Harbor Beacon 
  • Numerous volunteer opportunities
  • Access to research materials 
  • The satisfaction of actively supporting the preservation and interpretation of Portland Harbor's maritime heritage

To become a member print out this page and detach the form below.  Check off your chosen membership level and complete the address information.  Enclose check made payable to Portland Harbor Museum.  Send to Portland Harbor Museum, Fort Road, South Portland, ME, 04106.
---------------------------------cut here---------------------------------------
       Anchor $1000 
       Mainstay $500 
       Helm $250 
       Patron $100
Above memberships include admission privileges at Council of Maritime Museums
participating museums
       Supporting $50 
       Basic $25
        Partner $1000 
        Sponsor $500 
        Associate $250 
        Affiliate $100

Would you like to be contacted about museum volunteer opportunities:  Yes......  No......
Additional contribution of $..................... for preserving Spring Point Ledge Light
Street................................................................... E-mail........................................................
City........................................... State .........ZIP................. Phone..........................................

Is  this is a new address?  Yes........  No........
E-mail:                 Phone (207) 799-6337